Listen to your body

Listen to your body …This is the picture that made me cry 10 years ago… the moment that realty struck and it felt like I needed to do something about my health. For most of my photos back then, I would always crop my body out and just leave my upper body. I would always be hiding behind someone or had something in front of me to cover my dreaded truth. Pictures don’t lie and yes … the TRUTH hurts.

Truth: Having a conversation about your health is difficult for most people. It’s something that you most likely would not like to get into (even if it’s a conversation with yourself). Why is that? Maybe because more often than not, we are in denial about how our health and fitness condition is during the present time. Like … I don’t know if you know my story . But, years ago, when my children were younger, my FOCUS was them … I hardly took a moment to think about me. Because of this, even if I knew I was unhealthy – I was in denial. I was tired most of the time. I felt unhappy. My knees and hips hurt. I was not in a good place. Although my “life” looked happy … I was aching inside (physically and emotionally). 10 years ago … it was the holidays (I can remember clearly) – I was going through holiday family photos and it was right there in front of me (silently screaming) – I was HUGE, I was a mess! I couldn’t believe that I let myself go. I asked my hubby why he never told me I was BIG. He just smiled at me politely and reminded me that he kept on asking me when I was going to start exercising. That was his gentle way of telling me that I needed to work on myself.

Staring at the holiday photo made me cry … like really cry. I was disappointed because I just stopped taking care of my body. That was my turning point.If you think that it only happens to some people – perhaps you are in denial too. Stop now, take a picture of yourself and really look. Pay attention. LISTEN to your body. Have you gained a few pounds and inches (especially around the mid section)? Do your knees /hips hurt? It can still hurt even if you did not gain weight. Do you feel tired all the time? If you have been telling yourself that it’s all because you are getting old … think again. A lot of how you are feeling is because perhaps, you too have neglected to take care of yourself. It’s OK. Now that you recognize it, it’s time to work on “YOU”.

Perhaps your knees and hips hurt cause you gained some weight. Perhaps your body aches because the foods you eat make your joints hurt. Perhaps, you need to work on your nutrition and you probably need to move your body a little bit more. Perhaps you feel tired all day cause you don’t get enough sleep. Perhaps it’s time to work on yourself … if you take care of your family …. how can you take care of them if you are feeling “blah” yourself?

It is overwhelming – especially when you don’t know where to begin. My hope for you is that you take a step to better your health. If you are not comfortable talking to me or anyone else – the least you can do is educate yourself – do some research. If you feel like you can relate to me – reach out to me. If you need some guidance or hand holding – I am here to listen, I am here to help. It took me a while to lose the weight …. It’s a long journey but you know what … it’s doable. You just need to take the first step – let me know when you are ready.