Assess your current fitness level

The first step to creating a realistic fitness plan is to assess your current fitness level. Whether you’re “off the couch” or have been exercising for some time, this is an important step to take. One way to assess your current fitness level is to take body measurements. I know what you are thinking – perhaps you don’t want to know the numbers but believe me – once you see the numbers, you may be motivated to work hard on your fitness goals. This is a good way to track both weight loss and muscle growth and development. Measure your waist circumference and record it. You can also measure your thighs, chest, arms, and rear end. Weigh yourself and if you are up to it, calculate your body mass index as well.

Again, these numbers aren’t something to feel bad about. They’re your starting point. It’s how you will measure success. Be Honest and Aware of Any Health Conditions.

Another aspect of evaluating your fitness and your starting point is to be honest and aware of your current health. If you have any health conditions or challenges, those need to be considered when creating your fitness plan. It’s always a good idea to talk to a doctor to get a thumbs-up from them, as well as guidance regarding any health challenges you may be dealing with.